Page 58 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 58
A line-up of 2021 sale bulls from Martin Farming, at the top of the South Island. Three of its nine Hereford bulls sold for stud transfers.
The sale also saw Rock-End Starter 9006 go to stud duties at Stoneburn averaging $6738 and a top of $15,000, Pute
Koanui Herefords for $10,000, and an average of $6167 on Herefords at an average of $6950, Waikaka at $5600 with a
the 18 bulls sold. Tawanui Herefords, Taranaki managed an top of $8500, Foulden Hill at $4777, Waiau with an average of
average of $7235 on a full clearance of 17 bulls with the top $6388, and Earnscleugh coming in with an average of $5666.
price being $13,500 for Tawanui Ebb, which was sold to fellow Two successful online-only auctions saw Matatoki Herefords
Taranaki breeders Hurstpier Stud. Over on the East Coast of sell seven bulls for an improved average of $7714 with an
the North Island, Mokairau Herefords sold 23 bulls with an exceptional top price of $18,000 for Matatoki Spectacular
improved average of $7619 and a top price of $10,000 hit 9020. Another son of Limehills Streaker, his high growth
three times, while Wilencote continued strongly from last and exceptional carcass figures will be put to good use
year, selling 20 bulls for an average of $9500 and a top price in the Merrylea stud herd. Duncraigen Herefords also did
of $16,000. Hain Herefords got to a top price of $11,000 on exceptionally well selling online-only, with all four bulls
three different bulls, helping to push the average to $7815 selling to a top of $10,000 and an average of $6000.
on their 20 bulls sold. Further south, Maungahina Herefords,
Masterton sold 28 bulls for an average of $7844 and a top of
$16,000, while Riverlee Herefords, Manawatu sold to a high of SPRING SALES
$12,000 and an average of $6556 on 16 bulls sold. Top price in the spring selling season again went to
At the top of the South Island, Martin Farming had a very Craigmore Herefords, Hamilton, selling more than 100 bulls and
strong sale, selling a smaller catalogue of nine bulls that was averaging $3178. Top of the sale was Craigmore Justin 20256,
high on quality, with three bulls selling for stud transfers to knocked down to Knightlands Hereford Stud, Bay of Plenty for
Matariki, Glenbrae and Earnscleugh. The top priced bull was $16,500 after a spirited bidding duel.
MF Revved Up 1925, falling to the bid of Matariki Herefords Waimaire & Otengi Herefords was forced to run an online-
for $14,000. Lake Station sold 18 bulls for an average $5000 only sale in 2021 due to travel restrictions at sale time, but still
and a top price of $10,000. managed a very good result given the trying circumstances.
The combined Capethorne and Grassmere sale saw Yearling bulls averaged $3007, 18-month-old bulls averaged
Capethorne achieve an average of $6283 and a top of $2665, and two-year-olds averaged $2840.
$11,200, while Grassmere averaged $6545 and reached a top In the dairying heartland of the Waikato, demand for top-
of $12,000. Further south Merrylea Herefords was rewarded quality young sires was high. Colraine and Kanuka Herefords
with $13,500 for Merrylea Jovial from new owners Matapouri had a full clearance of 17 yearling bulls at an average of
Herefords, Northland, and an average of $5860. Orari Gorge $2877, with a top price of $10,000 for Colraine Tyson 20 341,
Herefords pushed their average to an improved $7950 and a son of new Australian sire Yavenvale Nockout, paid by
a top of $15,000 for Orari Gorge Tinto 190123. Monymusk Okawa Herefords, Mt Somers. Mahuta Herefords, Ararimu
Herefords sold a near-full clearance of 35 big, sound bulls for continued building on the strength of previous sales to
an average of $7288 and a top price of $14,000. maintain a very high average of $3484 on 45 yearling bulls
Other sales in the South Island included Locharburn sold and a top of $5600. Hukaroa had an average of $2557
Herefords averaging $6660 and a top price of $14,500, on 56 yearling bulls and $3600 on eight two-year-olds, while