Page 57 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 57
Okawa Ignition 190102, third top priced bull for the season, at his new home at Haldon Station.
down to Haldon Station for $33,000. Strong commercial 9030 selling to the Mokairau Hereford Stud, Gisborne, for
demand throughout the catalogue saw 46 bulls sold for an $23,000. Further high-priced Frontier sons included Otapawa
average of $8250. Grassland 9084 at $19,000 to Oatley Hill Herefords, Gore,
Glenbrae Herefords, Porangahau – longtime purchasers of and Otapawa Rio Grande 9073 selling to Charwell Herefords,
some of the top priced bulls in the country – was itself on Whakatane for $17,000. The strong demand resulted in a
the receiving end of the high-priced action with the fourth near-full clearance of 37 bulls for an average of $9489.
top price of 2021. Limehills Herefords went to $32,000 to Rounding out the bulls to sell for more than $20,000 were
secure Glenbrae Paco 1929 for stud duties. The son of young two bulls from the Murray family’s Matariki Stud based in
homebred bull Glenbrae Nightrider has a pedigree combining Kaikoura. The first of the pair was Matariki Mandela, selling
a number of high-quality South Island-bred bulls with the for $23,000 to Kokonga Herefords, Waikaretu at the NZ
strong growth and maternal Glenbrae female lines the stud Hereford online National Seed Stock Sale. The son of Matariki
is renowned for. Glenbrae Pegasus 1935 was also sold for stud 150436 was highly sought after for his combination of low
duties, making $15,000 and heading to Riverlee Herefords, birth weight and better than average growth with a very
Kimbolton. Twenty three bulls sold for an impressive $8166 sound phenotype. Top price at the Matariki on-farm sale was
average price. Matariki Memphis selling for stud duties at Koanui Herefords,
Koanui Polled Herefords was again at the top end of the Havelock North for $20,000. A strong catalogue of bulls saw
autumn sales in all aspects of numbers sold, average price further stud transfers to Merrylea Herefords, Martin Farming,
and top prices. Sons of Grassmere Gallant 152 were the and Limehills Herefords. These stud sales combined with
standouts, with Koanui Gallway Q570 selling for $29,000 Matariki’s usual strong commercial support saw 58 bulls sold
to Corribeg Farms in in the King Country; Koanui Gallway for an average of $8448.
Q313 selling for $23,000 to Hain Herefords, Gisborne, and At the top of the North Island – Moana Stud, Dargaville –
Koanui Gallway Q462 selling to Kairuru Herefords, Reporoa sold 20 bulls for an average of $4390 and a top of $7000, to
for $15,000. Strong demand for a variety of bloodlines mark a successful 50th sale. Te Puna Herefords, Okaihau had
throughout the catalogue meant a large clearance of 61 bulls a sale highlighted by Te Puna Xcel 050 selling for $13,700 to
raised the highest average price of the year at $10,057. local buyer Steven Osborne, helping to push the average up
Otapawa Herefords of the Robbie Family at Tiraumea had to $4933 on 17 bulls sold. Kairuru Herefords, Reporoa had
an exceptional sale in 2021 on the back of some exciting another strong sale with 21 bulls selling to a top of $12,500
new bloodlines available to New Zealand breeders for the and an average of $7000. Rock-End Herefords, Aria continued
first time. The first sons of US sire TH Frontier 174E were in to grow its client base in the heart of the King Country with
high demand with the headliner being Otapawa Statesman Rock-End Jimmy 9049 selling for $15,000 to Te Hape Station.