Page 17 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 17

Commercial cattle on Beaumont Station.

                                                                 “As the world begins to learn to live with Covid we’re
                                                               looking forward to a return to normality and we’ll be looking
                                                               at consolidating our position in the domestic market as well
                                                               as following up export opportunities.”
                                                                 Hereford Prime suppliers are typically making 10 to 20c/kg
                                                               above schedule price.
                                                                 Everyone along the paddock to plate chain wants to be
                                                               rewarded for the effort taken to turn out a premium quality
                                                               beef product.
                                                                                            Phil buys and finishes 250
                                                                                          to 300 heifers and steers,
                                                                                          including Hereford and
                                                                                          Hereford-cross, on 400ha
           Trailblazer                                                                    near Dannevirke. He targets,
                                                                                          with success, Hereford Prime
                                                                                          and SFF’s EQ premium
           Hereford Prime has played a crucial role in educating both                     programmes. Making the
           consumers and breeders/finishers about the importance and                      grade is not always easy,
           influence of carcass traits on the production of quality beef. It              but for him it’s not purely
           was the first branded beef programme in New Zealand and set                    about the money; doing
           the precedent for other branded beef programmes that have                      the best job possible with
           followed, says Hereford Prime brand manager Natalie Campbell.                  available genetics, feeding
            Hereford Prime had taken on market feedback, which had     Phil Barnett       and management, is a huge
           driven some of the changes in genetic selection, such as the                   motivator.
           demand for more marbling in grass-fed cattle.         His sentiment is endorsed in a 2020 evaluation report of a
            “We shared that information with our breeders, who   marbled grass-fed beef programme for Wagyu beef [Nimmo-
           responded, and where appropriate New Zealand registered   Bell & Associates], that said farmers were motivated by
           Hereford breeders have been making genetic decisions and   financial returns, but also involvement in the production
           improvements in those areas to meet that demand.”   and delivery of high-quality products to known markets. “…
            That success had been reflected in a number of national   farmers identify benefits in being associated with a value
           competitions over the years, including Te Awamutu’s Magills   chain community of like-minded operators.”.
           Artisan Butchery in the NZ Food Awards in 2015, and   The report adds there are opportunities for “increased value
           Invercargill’s Bowmont Wholesale Meats, a finalist in the now-  chain communication and visibility by connecting farmers to
           ceased Steak of Origin for 10 of the 15 years the event was   the market so that they understand what and how they need to
           held. The brand’s third processor is Cabernet Foods for the   produce, and the market to farmers, to demonstrate the value
           lower North Island.                                 of the extra work by farmers within the value chain”.
            Hereford Prime is focused on the New Zealand market –
           supplying 42 restaurants in the South Island and 32 in the
           North Island, as well as four caterers and 11 retail outlets.
           Covid-19, lockdowns and the downturn in tourism have
           created challenging times over the past two years.

                                                                           Year 2022       HEREFORD MAGAZINE       15
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