Page 117 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 117
Attracting Gen Z
Words: Madison Pannett This generation is very different from those before; they
define themselves by their values and identity. The defining
s part of the Kellogg Rural Leadership issues of this generation will be climate change and the
Programme in 2021, I did a research project on environment. In New Zealand, agriculture is the largest
‘Generation Z and the environment – how can we emitter of greenhouse gases, which could be viewed as a
use their passion to attract them into food and problem for attracting Gen Z into the sector. At the same time
Afibre sector careers?’ the sector is being asked and is actively looking to understand
Despite being raised by parents Gray and Robyn on the how it can improve its environmental impact. It is important
Limehills Herefords Stud, I never really saw myself working in we use Gen Z’s passion about the environment to attract them
the food and fibre sector. into the sector, which needs skilled and passionate people to
I studied history and French at university and had dreams meet the challenges it faces.
of being a diplomat and a trade negotiator – far away from the Appealing to Gen Z is not only important in terms of
farm gates! After graduating, my new career path happened attracting the labour required, but also the attitudes and
almost by accident. I applied for a data entry job at a sheep values needed in the food and fibre sector going forward. Gen
and beef genetics company, thinking coming from a Hereford Z have more choices than ever before for their future careers;
stud might give me an advantage. I soon found out a career in the sector needs to go to Gen Z to build the capability it will
the food and fibre sector can be extremely rewarding. If there need in the short and long term.
is anyone more surprised than me that I ended up working in So how can you appeal to Gen Z?
the primary sector, it’s probably Dad. A good place to start is a strong social media presence.
The food and fibre sector in New Zealand can be a great The average attention span of a member Gen Z is only eight
place to work. However, Gen Z (those born between 1995 and seconds so keep it short and sweet.
2010) does not always see the opportunities available to them
in this diverse and rewarding sector beyond simply working Madison Pannett is a senior advisor for the Ministry of Primary
on a farm. At the same time, the sector needs more people, Industries’ Animal Welfare Liaison team. To read more about her
partly due to the pace of change it is facing as environmental project and conclusions, go to and
concerns, consumer attitudes and needs of the sector evolve. put her name in the search box.
The influence of Gen Z on the workforce is only beginning and
will continue to grow.
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