Page 87 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 87

Posy with Australian Hereford Youth president Annie Pumpa and   A lady on the lake steers the Lady of the Lake… Posy has a light-
           Joyce and Geof Brown, Locharburn Herefords, Cromwell, during   hearted moment on the TSS Earnslaw on its way to Walter Peak.
           the conference field trip.

           (trying to organise family and animals) we had a couple of   was shortly followed by a call from Karen at AgriTravel saying
           speakers who were instructed to pull out by their companies.   that she had opted to leave the business. Both Christine and
           This was the first time that we began to feel the effect of Covid,   I had worked so closely with these companies over the past
           however at that stage we had no idea how it would affect   two years that we felt their pain. Two days later the Ministry of
           our plans. On 28 February (one day before the pre pre-tour   Health contacted me to discuss some more positive cases that
           arrivals) having sought advice from Tourism NZ, I posted on   they had identified as being associated with the conference.
           the WHC website: ‘The media clearly has us all talking about the   They asked who I felt had been in ‘close contact’ with the
           coronavirus, however there are no confirmed cases of Covid-19   positive cases, to which my response was ‘everyone’. It was
           in New Zealand to date.’ I spoke too soon.          later that day (5.50pm to be precise) when they informed
            Laden with hand sanitisers and Covid policies we started the   me that they would make a media announcement to capture
           North Island pre-tour. By the latter stages of the conference   everyone. This left me 10 minutes to get a press officer to
           week, several countries had requested personnel to return.   represent the conference. While I have previously been a
            Gradually the South Island post-conference tour got smaller   press officer during a UN tour in Bosnia, the executive was in
           and smaller as people were forced to return to their home   agreement that I hadn’t had enough time to recover from the
           countries. New Zealand was still only reporting two positive   event to deal with the situation, so at two minutes before the
           cases at that time, so the morale on the tour was high. We had   start of the 6 o’clock news when were going to be mentioned,
           just taken the Uruguayans on another shopping trip to PGG   we were thrilled Kate Taylor agreed to accept the role. Being a
           Wrightson, on our way to Orari Gorge, when Andrew Donoghue,   highly regarded rural journalist, Kate was a perfect fit for the
           general manager of Herefords Australia, phoned me to say, “hey   job; she had also attended the conference as our magazine
           mate, you might not be pleased to hear from me”. It was then we   editor, experienced the cautionary steps taken, and enjoyed
           heard of the first positive test associated with the conference.   the successful event.
           For me, the decision was easy: we could not risk adding any   From there it’s history. Christine and I caught up on a
           people to our current team of four coaches and should stay in   little sleep while Colin and Kate fielded the calls. The positive
           isolation at Orari Gorge until instructed otherwise. Our drivers   numbers related to the conference continued to increase and
           were due to be replaced as the current drivers had run out of   the ‘cattle conference in Queenstown’ had a daily mention
           hours, but we sought dispensation and turned them away. Orari   during the government’s press conference. We were still flooded
           Gorge stood down all their shepherds and wonderful volunteers   with congratulatory emails, even from those who had tested
           who were there to serve us dinner, but as hard as Robert and   positive. While some of our members came under scrutiny from
           I tried, we could not prevent Rosa and Graham from joining   their local communities, overall, we had outstanding support
           us! President Colin then made a phone call to the Ministry of   for delivering a successful and fun conference and being ahead
           Health helpline to report the known case and ask what to do   of the Ministry of Health guidelines at the time.
           next. Gray opened up the chiller, Christine looked after the   For me, it confirmed that event management will always
           guests, and I started to think of alternative plans. Within a   throw you curve balls and what gets you through is being
           couple of hours, the Ministry of Health determined the person   part of a close-knit and trusting team. Fortunately, we breed a
           who tested positive likely got it on return to his home country   hardy bunch in the farming community and it appeared only
           and therefore was deemed low risk. Our specific instructions   a few people felt sick and no one was hospitalised who was
           were to carry on as planned. We did, however, make changes to   involved in the cluster (that we know of). I learnt NZ Herefords
           the following day’s activities, and a smaller crew attended the   is so much more than an association – it is a global family that
           Kaikoura tour, with Robert Kane at the helm. Christine, Colin   supports each other through the good and bad times. For Phil,
           and I all flew home and went into voluntary self-isolation.  Christine and I, however, we will always remember it as being
            The following morning, I received a phone call to inform   a fun conference with an incredible team and an incredibly
           me of the sad news that Dinamics had gone into insolvency. It   large twist.”

                                                                           Year 2021       HEREFORD MAGAZINE       85
                    World Hereford
                    Conference 2020
                    Queenstown NZ
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92