Page 130 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 130

Our Breeders

       Good old-fashioned catch up

       in Taranaki


       PICTURED: After-lunch views at the home of Janelle and Lance Downs, Tawanui Herefords.

       AS PART OF THE TARANAKI HEREFORD CLUB’S focus to be   the past few weeks. Lance and I were put under a bit of positive
       more proactive, current and engaging, we held a day tour in   peer pressure from Cam Heggie from PGG Wrightson, NZHA
       late January. The  focus was to showcase a range of  cattle  in   president Colin Corney, and past president Phil Barnett, to enter
       promotion of the season’s upcoming bull sales, as well as sharing   one of our sale bulls that were destined for our on-farm sale in
       breed objectives and having a good old-fashioned catch up.   June, into the PGG Wrightson National Hereford Sale. I did happen
          We began our day with some brisk coastal wind and a lovely   to see Lance bailed up in the corner of the kitchen at lunchtime
       BBQ breakfast at David and Andrea Steele’s Davandra stud in   by Colin, no doubt sharing his words of wisdom and positive
       Hawera. David has spent some time in the past two years doing   encouragement to support the sale. Breeding a bull of national sale
       embryo flushing and transfers within his herd. It will be exciting   quality has always been an ultimate goal for us, so it was lovely to
       to see how these new calves develop.                  have some positive affirmation from breeders out of the district. As
          We then moved to Peter and Min McDonald’s immaculate   a result, we decided to take the plunge. We had two days to make
       farm and Gay Learning stud in Stratford. Peter had a very   the decision before Tawanui Cub made his way down to the North
       impressive Kokonga ANZAC bull on show and many agreed   Island grazing unit. Very exciting but nerve-racking for us!
       he has the potential to be a very influential sire. I know there   We had lunch with a lovely view from the deck of our family
       are several people anticipating the progeny of this bull, which   home before heading off to view some handy bulls at Jacqueline
       should be hitting the ground in August next year.     and Robin Blackwell’s Mangaotea stud. Jac also had some
          The tour then proceeded to Janelle and Lance Downs’ Tawanui   beautiful cattle on show and I think we could all agree her line of
       stud where the sun decided it was time to break through the clouds   in-calf heifers was exceptional and she should be proud of the
       and show the amazing weather Taranaki has been graced with in   herd’s direction. Although, I do feel for Jac with the Mangaotea

       PICTURED: Cows and calves at Nic and Marcus McLeod’s Horizon Herefords.

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