Page 123 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 123

LinkedIn: Specifically designed for businesses and    GOOGLE ANALYTICS
          professionals, users use LinkedIn to showcase their   There are ways to look at your website traffic and discover
          experience and network with like-minded individuals.  whether you’re  getting  relevant visitors  geographically  and
                                                                demographically. As well as checking whether key phrases your
          Instagram: Is a place where people post images and videos   site comes up for in Google are correct, it also checks whether
          and is a great way to build community. Instagram is designed   there are some phrases your site might
          for customer engagement and visual appeal. Use it     not be coming up on page 1 for. A website
          to post quality images of behind the scenes, farm life,   can also be analysed to ensure the design
          animals and scenery.                                  is making people go to the right places on
                                                                your site.
                                                                Talk to Pivot Design about your
          In New Zealand, Facebook far outweighs other platforms in   social media and digital marketing.
          popularity so NZHA’s choice to do its social media marketing on   WWW.PIVOTDESIGN.CO.NZ
          Facebook was an obvious one.
            In a bid to maximise exposure for the grazing unit, NZHA
          chose video given it is the format on Facebook that is most   SOCIAL MEDIA GLOSSARY
          likely to engage audiences.
            For NZHA, Facebook is an easy platform to continue to grow   REACH:
          its commercial audience through frequent updates, images   The number of unique people who saw your
          and videos. The aim of the NZ Hereford Facebook page is to   content. Reach affects other Facebook metrics:
          promote the association and its sponsors, increase member   engagement, likes, comments and clicks.
          engagement, promote Hereford studs by advertising private
          sale dates, advertise Hereford and industry related events, and   ENGAGEMENT:
          advertise the benefits of using registered Hereford sires, such   When people like a post, click on a link or images, comment
          as the Hereford X campaign in 2019.                      or share a post. Basically, engagement is when someone
            NZHA is also promoting the Boehringer Ingelheim World   interacts with a post, and when they engage with
          Hereford Conference via Facebook – a great platform to engage   a page then Facebook prioritises this content in
          overseas visitors.   their newsfeed.

          OTHER WAYS TO MARKET YOUR                                FOLLOWS:
          BUSINESS ONLINE                                          Someone can follow a page without liking it;
                                                                   they can also choose to see this content in their
                                                                   newsfeed first.
          There are many simple ways to market your business online   LIKES:
          including getting more traffic to your website           The Facebook like button allows users to show their support
          through Google Ads (previously known as                  for images, comments, posts, statuses or fan pages.
          Adwords) as well as getting more visitors                When a user likes something their newsfeed is
          organically (without paying) by optimising your          updated, letting their friends know what pages
          website for the right search terms.                      they like.

          EMAIL MARKETING                                          SHARING:
          Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with customers   Is when someone hits the share button to share something
          and stay top of mind. Those who are interested in what you have   on their newsfeed. People share to entertain, to define
          to say and have a connection with your business          themselves, to stay connected, to persuade,
          will take the time to read an email from you. And        and when they feel a connection with a page or
          using your website is an excellent way to build up       a post.
          an email database.
          REMARKETING                                              Tag  another  page  when you’re  sharing  something  that
          There are also ways to remarket to people who have visited   includes them. Think of strategic posts that mention your
          your website; this involves showing an ad to these people for   business partners and tag them; this is a way to reach
          a set time after they’ve been to your site. You’ve       others. To do this type the @ sign before typing, begin
          possibly experienced this when you’ve been               typing  the  page  name  you’re  wanting  to  tag
          searching for an item online and next time you go        (without spaces). You’ll find their page name on
          online you are shown ads for that item.                  their page under their profile image.

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