Page 122 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 122

Industry Focus

       Social media




       HOW DO YOU INCREASE REACH AND                         People enjoy live video far more than they do traditional video;

       ENGAGEMENT ON YOUR PAGE?                              users spend three times as long watching live video as they do
                                                             pre-recorded video. It quickly engages people and they watch
       In a move by Facebook to make marketing content on newsfeeds   it for longer than alternative video content. Facebook considers
       take a backseat to more meaningful content by friends and family,   live video more newsfeed-worthy than ordinary content and it is
       it’s no longer a given that everything a page posts will be shown   a brilliant way to create pre-sale build-up.
       in people’s newsfeeds. Which is why Facebook gives us insights
       into what the reach of a post is and the level of engagement.   SET UP A FACEBOOK EVENT
          If not all posts you put on your Facebook page will be shown   Facebook has an excellent array of tools for effectively promoting
       on people’s newsfeeds, the ‘Reach’ metric Facebook gives is a   an event on a business page. Done right this is an effective way to
       really important factor in your marketing as it effects every other   target those you would like to come to your sale and get increased
       metric that can be tracked e.g, likes, comments, clicks. How   attendance. Though this doesn’t cost, it does pay to boost your
       can you increase reach? By increasing engagement. Content   event at a chosen daily budget to a highly targeted audience.
       that is shared and liked is what Facebook considers to be more
       ‘meaningful’. So create content that is share-worthy, post at   KNOW WHEN TO POST WITH INSIGHTS
       times of the day that your fans will be on Facebook, encourage   You can find out how your page is performing under the insights
       fans to like and share your content, ask questions that encourage   tab. You can access information about your audience and how
       people to comment, or run a competition where comments are   people react to your posts. Once a page has more than 100
       asked for, and Facebook will reward your content.     likes you can find out more information about your audience
                                                             such as age, gender and location. You can also see which
       THE VALUE OF FACEBOOK                                 posts have the most engagement and when the people who
                                                             like your page are on Facebook to help determine when is the
       Social media use amongst farmers is becoming more     best day/s and time/s to post to get your posts seen.
       commonplace and farmers are using various platforms to connect
       with like-minded people, posting pictures and videos of their   HOW TO GROW LIKES
       day-to-day work, dogs, cattle, scenery (combined with a funny   •  Ask for likes.
       comment or two) and how-tos. Not only does this show farming   •  Like associated pages.
       practices, livestock and land use to various audiences,   •  Invite friends to like your page.
       it also means farmers can interact and connect with   •  Post the link on your personal profile.
       customers while sharing knowledge.                    •  Mention your page in your newsletter.
                                                             •  Put a Facebook icon and the link on your email signature,
       HOW TO GET MORE TRAFFIC                                  website, signage and vehicles.
       •  Post often, post various content (images, videos, etc).  •  Set up a Facebook ad to get likes: set your daily budget
       •  Post a maximum of twice a day and a minimum of twice a   and timeframe, set up your audience to target gender, age,
          week.                                                 location and interests.
       •  Mix up the content you post with farming activities (images
          and videos), share posts from associated pages, funny   ABOUT OTHER SOCIAL PLATFORMS
          farm-related posts.
       •  Set up a Facebook event for your sale.             Twitter: Is a quick way to easily connect with your audience as it
       •  Post in the pre-sale build-up.                     allows you to share quick pieces of information and photos. Tweet
                                                             short updates, photos, polls, gifs or short videos. Twitter is good
       PRE-EVENT BUILD-UP WITH FACEBOOK LIVE                 for sharing little pieces of information quickly, building relationships
       There’s just something about a live video that makes a post more   with followers and driving people to your website.
       appealing; maybe it’s the chance that people could mess it up   People will follow you because they like what you have
       or the transparency, maybe it makes us feel more connected.   to say and they can engage in conversation with you.
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