Page 31 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 31

Industry Focus

                                                                                                         100% naturally aged grassfed beef - unrivalled quality & consistency guaranteed
                                                                                                          HEREFORD PRIME
                                                                                                           BEE F
                                                                                                            New Zealand


                                                                     carve out a place at

                                                                               Five Star

                                                                  Beef feedlot

          ABOVE: Herefords are carving out a place at the Five Star Beef
          feedlot, near Ashburton.                                         WORDS / PHOTOGRAPHS NATALIE CAMPBELL

          INCREASING MARKET DEMAND FOR NEW ZEALAND beef           He says there has always been a component of Herefords in
          means  Herefords  are  finding  a  place  in  the  country’s  only   the feedlot but now there are ‘mid-term’ programme customers
          commercial feedlot.                                   who will specifically take the breed. He also says the Hereford
            Demand for New Zealand grain-fed beef is growing alongside   cross cattle do well on the feedlot and staff like working with
          increasing market orders for grass-fed beef, and that means   Herefords because of their placid nature.
          Herefords are carving out a place in the Angus dominated Five   At the time of writing, a line of 180 pure Herefords had been
          Star Beef feedlot.                                    sourced from Southland from Glenaray Station and combined
            Five  Star  Beef  feedlot,  near  Ashburton,  is New  Zealand’s   with other Hereford mobs to fill a pen.
          only  commercial  feedlot,  and  this  change in the business   Those animals were put into a mid-term feeding regime and
          genetic landscape allows them to supply more beef to both   will be sold under the Wakanui label domestically and some will
          export and domestic markets.                          head offshore.
            Livestock procurement manager for Five Star Beef, Michael   Feeding regimes are closely monitored at Five Star Beef with
          Coote, says he’s seen an increase in demand for New Zealand’s   a strict structure in place.
          grain-fed beef, alongside growing demand for the country’s   Feeding out begins at 5.30am with pens fed twice a day.
          grass-fed beef.                                       Michael says the aim is to have feed in the bunks available 23
            “It is a market that’s growing,” he says.           hours a day. The feedlot is manned 24/7 and the feed levels are
            The feedlot is taking on larger numbers of pure Herefords, this   checked twice during the night.
          past year up to 2000 pure bred Herefords have joined the several   Feed rations are a blend of grains, maize, silage and
          thousand Hereford Angus cross cattle to be finished in the system.  molasses,  which  is  mixed  and  loaded  into  trucks  that  deliver
            Numbers being finished at Five Star Beef are lifting across   rationed amounts to each pen of cattle specific to the market
          the board. Michael says the feedlot can hold 20,000 head at one   outlet. All the rations are monitored and adjusted accordingly
          time and they are on target to meet 2017’s targeted throughput.  depending on consumption and weight gain and the length of
            Since Herefords have become more common on the feedlot,   feed regime that particular pen is on.
          Michael says they have learnt that they need to be taken to 20kg   There are several different feeding regimes in place at the
          heavier to reach adequate marbling scores, a trait synonymous   feedlot. These include: long-fed regime, 240 days; medium-fed,
          with feedlot beef.                                    125 days; and short-term, 75 days.
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