Page 29 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 29

Your Registered Hereford

                  True Blue tag requirements

                  conveniently matched

                  to TSU (Tissue Sampling Unit)

                                                                                          Upper North Island:
                                                                                          John Rutherford
                                                                                          0274 465 508
            Order now from                                                                Lower North Island:
                                                                                          Mark McManaway
                                                                                          027 517 6693
                                                                                          South Island:
                                                                                          Steve Kelly
                                0800 248 247 – 0800 AG TAGS                               027 560 2699

                                                                  1%                  COMMISSION

                                                                                      ON ALL STUD

                                                                                      SOLD IN 2018*

                         Rib Fat        Rump Fat

                         EMA            IMF%                        Registration and
                         Structural Assessment
                                                                    Listing is FREE ...

                  COMMERCIAL BEEF FARMERS                           Access New Zealand’s livestock
                    Carcass scan your heifers when                  marketplace by listing your bulls
              selecting your replacements for genetic gains         on StockX complete with photos,
                                                                    video and performance data.

             South Island             North Island                  *Standard StockX commission is only 2.5%
             Bill and Judy Austin     Hugh Boulton                  on all store stock sales. Applies to
             Accredited BreedPlan Scanner No. 1036  Accredited BreedPlan    registered bulls only.
             Structural BeefClass Accreditation No. 1036  Scanner No. 1048
             M: 027 4100 377          M: 027 339 5222
             E:  E:  For more information
                                                                    contact Digby Philip
                                                                    027 433 9501
                       We deliver data at chute side
                       Electronic Data Entry available

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