Page 5 - Hooked On Herefords Magazine June 2018
P. 5

AGM/BREED DINNER                                 (legal consultant regarding drafting of the new constitution)
             Council Communications
                  There was an excellent turn out for the AGM and breed   answered  on  behalf  of  the  NZHA  Council.  A  vote  was
                  dinner, held at Orlando Country on Sunday 13th May,   recorded and the draft Constitution was changed and
                  prior to the National Sale. We are confident that the 114   publicised on the NZHA website, to portray the members
                  people in attendance would agree the Hereford Prime was   wish.
                  spectacular.                                     In the next couple of months, as members, you will be
                  The AGM minutes are enclosed.  Discussion was held   required to make a postal vote as to whether you accept
                  regarding the draft Constitution, with a motion moved   the new Constitution.
                  that “Council continue to make the best decisions on   Paul Scott was thanked for his time on Council, especially
                  behalf of members in drafting a new Constitution”. A   his involvement and passion on the Marketing and Youth
                  further discussion was held regarding the availability of   committees.
                  minutes to the members, which Mark Von Dadeslzen

                 Council Correspondence – is information taken from the         NZHA COUNCIL
                 Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th May, after the            C Corney .......... President
                 National Video Sale.                                           G Pannett ......... Vice President/Treasurer

                 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2018 / 2019
                  COMMITTEE         CHAIR             COMMITTEE MEMBERS
                  Exec                                Colin Corney, Gray Pannett, Chris Douglas, Robert Peacock
                  Finance           Gray Pannett      Colin Corney, Philip Barnett, Philip Shepherd
                  Marketing         Chris Douglas     Colin Corney, Laurie Paterson, NZHA GM
                  Technical         Robert Peacock    Gray Pannett, Andrew Russo, Robert Kane, NZHA GM, (John Allen)
                  Show & Sales      Robert Kane       Chris Douglas
                  Semen Marketing   Philip Shepherd    Andrew Russo, Robert Kane
                  Youth             Andrew Russo      (Hannah Gibb, Paul Scott)
                  Registry          Chris Douglas     Andrew Russo
                  PBBNZ             Philip Shepherd   Philip Barnett, Colin Corney
                  Beef Holdings     Philip Barnett    Colin Corney
                  WHC Operations    Philip Barnett    Robert Kane, NZHA GM, (Maria Robbie, Gemma Dorotich,
                                                      Robbie Burrows, Geof Brown)

                 ELECTION OF OFFICERS                              Daniel and Posy are working on Genomnz results. Once
                 Election of officers took place as per the above list with   Daniel has Genomnz and GeneSeek/Neogen results, in
                 the addition of L Paterson as Chair of HP co-opted to   the pipeline, he will be able to parent verify progeny even
                 NZHA Council and R Peacock, previously co-opted to   if the sires have been tested by a different service provider.
                 NZHA Council as chair of the Technical Committee, and   P Shepherd stated that registry is now flagging incorrect
                 now elected to NZHA Council.                      pedigree.
                                                                   BREEDobject indices are now ready for review. The
                 NORTHLAND CLUB – HERD TOUR                        Technical Committee, with A Russo taking the lead, will
                 Discussion took place regarding the Northland Herd Tour’s   be working on this over the winter months.
                 further sponsorship request to increase the previously   Robert Peacock reported that NZHA have been
                 agreed sum of PGG Wrightson sponsorship money to be   approached for a contribution towards a feed efficiency
                 transferred to the tour. Council agreed with the condition   trial.  NZHA Council said they would require an outline
                 that PGG Wrightson are the ‘naming right’ sponsor.  of the trial, a signed memorandum of understanding, an
                                                                   understanding of the extra value the data will add to the
                 TECHNICAL                                         beef industry before a sum of money was committed to
                 Robert Peacock reported that NZHA have authorised ABRI   the trial.
                 to turn on the SNP DNA module which should assist in   Technical Committee were asked by Council to develop a
                 the tracking of samples sent to service providers for SNP   policy on how parent verification should be implemented.
                 testing, as well as provide additional options for reporting
                 of results and an ability to invoice breeders directly from   FINANCIAL REPORT
                 the system.                                       Discussion took place regarding the loss the 2018
                 The Theta pipeline is now in operation and results from   magazine  made  due  to  the  increased  distribution  and
                 GeneSeek/Neogen are being loaded by Daniel Garrick.    associated costs brought through a larger print run.

        NZ HEREFORD ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER                                                                      5
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