Page 2 - Hooked On Herefords Magazine June 2018
P. 2

President’s Note

       By the time you read this the two-year-old bull sales will be well   step to achieve a better outcome is to provide the environment
       underway, there are certainly some very good bulls catalogued.  I   for breeders to be confident of achieving their desired outcome.
       wish all those members holding sales throughout the country the   So, what is the next step?
       very best.                                             All attendees were invited to attend a debrief meeting the following
       The recent Beef + Lamb NZ open day held at Mendip Hills Station,   day. This was well attended with good open discussion. As a
       provided an opportunity for an insight from the Station Managers   result, a working group has been put together from attendees, to
       on the Beef + Lamb NZ progeny trail. Feedback from those who   conduct a holistic overview of our National Sale. This group will
       attended said the results from the Hereford cross animals were   commence work in July and will look at all aspects of what makes
       extremely pleasing. I believe an update of results will be published   up our National Sale. We will be reporting back to you throughout
       mid-July and that our breed has delivered very well. We will ensure   this process via bulk email.
       we share these as soon as they become available.       Over the coming months we will be introducing some new ways
       In this edition of hooked on Herefords you can view the Show   to communicate what is going on in the Hereford world. Currently
       and Sale results of the first PGG Wrightson Livestock National   you have bulk emails, the Hereford website and hooked on
       Video Sale. Congratulations to the Chamberlain family for winning   Herefords to keep you informed. Going forward you will receive
       Supreme Champion Hereford with their sire Capethorne 1617,   further bulk email communications plus short two-minute video
       who went on to sell for $22,000. With the overall average of   clips on Facebook from the chairperson of different Council
       $8,600 we need to look towards the future. There are a number   Committees.
       of challenges that need to be addressed and understood. We
       especially need a good number of quality bulls for the sale to   Kind regards,
       survive. An interesting fact is that 80% of the Hereford buyers in   Colin Corney, President, NZHA
       2017 were stud breeders, yet this year dropped to 64%. The first

       Thank you to Phil Barnett ...

       At the Council meeting held 15th May, your Council conducted   I am sure, like me, many of you
       elections of office for the next 2 year term.  I am honoured to have   have seen the work and hours
       been nominated and supported by Council to take on the role   Philip sacrifices  flying  our  flag
       of President, to guide and lead Council and the direction of our   for Youth. I cannot remember
       breed, during my term.                                 a time over the past two/three
       Firstly, I would like to take some time on behalf of all Council   years that I have not seen him
       and members of NZHA to sincerely thank the dedication and   building pens, mucking out stalls
       work commitment we have all seen from my predecessor, Philip   or organising Youth classes at Expo and Future Beef.
       Barnett, throughout his time as President.             Philip will remain a valued member of Council who will continue
       Philip  spent  hours  away  from  his  family  dedicating  his  time  to   to work on a number of fronts. Philip will take on the pivotal
       ensuring the NZ Hereford brand was strong. He has spent a lot of   role as Chair for the 2020 World Hereford Conference planning
       time working out of the Feilding office supporting the team, and   committee, ensuring the operational success by working closely
       countless hours on the phone providing support and direction to   with key  members  to ensure  successful  Pre  and  Post  tours,
       many members of our association.                       but with his key focus on the operation of the World Hereford
       Philip has been the instigator and driver to cement strong ties   Conference week to be held in Queenstown and Wanaka.
       with Herefords Australia. I recall travelling through Canada in   To Lyn, James and Niamh, thank you for supporting Phil and being
       2012 where Philip arranged a meeting with a number of Australia   patient with him when the phone rings during dinner or family
       Herefords Board members to discuss Trans-Tasman agreement   time. We all forget the importance that family have in supporting
       for our youth. This commitment to work closer with our ANZAC   those who selfishly give up their personal time to do a job that at
       allies has benefited us all. Both Councils now work together on   times is a battle.
       a  number  of  fronts  to  ensure  neither  take  a  path  that  may  be
       counterproductive for our breed.                       Thank you, Phil, Lyn, James & Niamh

                                            Editor:   Posy Moody, NZHA
                                            Address:  PO Box 503, Feilding 4740
                                            Phone:   06 323 4484
                                            DDI:    06 323 0745                
                                            Fax:    06 323 3878                              COMPILED BY Pivot Design, PBBNZ
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