Page 2 - Hooked on Herefords Feb 2020
P. 2
President’s Note
Welcome to 2020, a year of excitement and challenges for our
breed. Christmas has been and gone and we are already into
another decade, then there’s March which will see us all hosting
overseas guests. I am sure for a number of you it will provide the
opportunity to reunite the many friendships you have made from
Herefords breeders across the world. For others an opportunity
to meet and grow friendships and build strong bonds with people
whose passion is like yours, to breed and improve your herd
every generation.
I cannot sit here and not mention the challenges our fellow
breeders are, and have been experiencing across the ditch in
Australia. Hopefully you received my email giving you an update
on this event. Myself and others have been in contact with the
Hereford office in Australia as well as some of our fellow breeders
within states. I have also had emails from a couple of our Hereford
breeders who travelled over to help re-build fences and assist
where they could. Beside is a photo of what was once a paddock
of feed, which was well fenced to manage stock. Their main
comment in the email was “The fencing infrastructure is a critical
issue. Every fence post, every strainer, every underground cable
at every gateway has to be replaced”. Well done to them and to
the many other NZ Hereford members who have been providing
support in whatever way you could.
All our hearts are with our ANZAC colleagues.
Now that summer is well at our door and that pesky wind has
gone, the focus is on how dry parts of NZ may get. Reports
are that Northland and the West upper Waikato are already
experiencing very dry conditions. Hopefully we will see a trusty
tropical cyclone move a little closer to provide them some much
needed moisture.
Once we say our farewells to our visitors in March, we should
be well into the final arrangements for our new format National
Seedstock sale. You would have already seen some nomination
forms to enter animals you feel meet the criteria. This new format our Young Breeders team have been up to and the introduction
provides you a no risk change to put your best animal forward. to members of the teams from, around the world. Excellent work
The animal does not leave your farm, if not sold remains available Katie Gilmour, Rebecca Paterson and Emma Pollitt, keep up the
in your on-farm sale. Opening bid is 7k, transfer price 12k with focus on our Young Breeders.
a top reserve capped at 20k I expect the highly selected bulls The Young Breeders competition in Wanaka is going to be
will surpass this 20k cap. I know that with a successful sale this strongly contested if the team profile has anything to go by. All
year, the opportunity to grow the National Seedstock sale by the best to all the Young Breeders wherever they may travel from.
introducing other offerings going forwards like Heifers, Semen,
embryos or even Senior sires will only add strength, and a great Until then,
networking bond for our breed and members. Talk soon
Colin Corney,
Finally, I have enjoyed the current Facebook posts showing what President, NZHA
Editor: Posy Moody, NZHA
Address: PO Box 503, Feilding 4740
Phone: 06 323 4484
DDI: 06 323 0745
Fax: 06 323 3878 COMPILED BY Pivot Design, PBBNZ