Page 10 - Hooked on Herefords October 2019
P. 10

Insurance Industry Update

        AonAgri, New Zealand’s leading rural insurance brokers.

        Insurance is changing and new risks  to the  industry and to   trailer thefts are on the increase. An Aon client recently had his
        farmers are emerging. Along with traditional fire and flood   ute parked at a livestock sale and his trailer was stolen whilst
        insurance claims, we are now seeing new and serious claims for   attached  to  his  vehicle.  Insurers  advise  to  take  keys  out  of
        risks such as Cyber and Statutory Liability.          vehicles at night, and lock your house when you are on the farm.
        We’ve spoken to two of the leading rural insurers in New Zealand
        and compiled a top 5 rural insurance risks for you to consider   CYBER CRIME:
        next time you are looking at your farm insurance.     The most common cyber risks to affect the rural sector are
                                                              Network Breach (hacking of information) and general disruption.
        STATUTORY LIABILITY                                   Below are two scenarios.
        The Health and Safety at Work Act and the Resource Management
        Act are the two main reasons you need to ensure you have   Network Security -Hacking of Files/Information
        Statutory liability insurance and adequate sum insureds.  A third party manipulates information collected on mobile
        By law, insurers cannot cover a Health and Safety fine however   applications  arising  from  a  cyber-event  which  affects  the  way
        they can cover legal defence and any reparations the court   your farm manages its stock or crops. This could lead to a loss
        awards. Insurers can cover both legal defence and fines under   of revenue if a failure of the network security occurred.
        breaches of the Resource Management Act.
                                                              Social Engineering - Impersonation Fraud
        BUSINESS INTERRUPTION:                                A third party impersonates/pretends to be your supplier which
        The financial impact caused by a loss to a dairy or wool shed are   prompts you to pay their invoice in good faith (but to the hackers
        the main areas of concern. Business Interruption is especially   bank account). The prompt to pay the invoice is generally
        important if you have high debt levels.               because  you  were  expecting  an  invoice  from  them  –  in  such
        For example, if you can’t milk for a sustained period of time due   a scenario, a hacker will have intercepted the communication
        to a shed loss, you may have to dry the cows off early which   between you and your supplier.
        would result in a serious loss of profit. You may have to move the
        herd to another farm and pay grazing and milking costs which   How can Aon help?
        could be considerable. Sheep farms also have an exposure.   Aon we have 76 branches around New Zealand from Keri Keri to
        If your shearing shed has a loss you may have to temporarily   Invercargil with rural brokers who specialise in farm insurance to
        convert another shed for shearing or incur additional costs to   help you navigate your way through farming specific insurance
        transport sheep to a neighbouring farm and pay hireage costs   risks as mentioned above.
        for use of their facilities.                          If you would like some advice
                                                              please call 0800 266 276 to
        UNDERINSURANCE:                                       talk to your local broker.
        With rising building and compliance costs, the cost to rebuild
        farm sheds have increased significantly. If your farm sheds are
        insured for full replacement you shouldn’t have an underinsurance
        issue (so long as they have been measured correctly), however
        if your farm buildings are insured to a dollar value then you need
        to be aware and review these sums insureds.
        Aon have a highly qualified valuation team who can provide a
        valuation for insurance purposes at a very competitive rate.   NZ HEREFORD MAGAZINE
        Recently an Aon broker met with a client and recommended   Cut-off date is just around the corner for the upcoming
        they increase the sum insured of their stable to $35,000 from   magazine! This edition coincides with the World
        $15,000.  The client elected to keep the sum insured at $15,000.   Hereford Conference and is an advertising opportunity
        The stable subsequently burnt down with a claim payout of                 not to be missed!
        $15,000, leaving a $20,000 shortfall to rebuild the building.
                                                                    Early Bird bookings cut off: 18th October 2019 5pm
        FARM THEFTS:                                                    Bookings cut off: 25th October 2019 5pm
        The days of leaving the house wide open and leaving keys in   Content cut off: Monday 11th November 2019 5pm
        vehicles are diminishing, even in rural areas. Quad bike and        Contact:

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