Page 97 - NZ Hereford Magazine 2023
P. 97
The Gullies gets its name from the bush-clad gullies on the farm.
in turn provides revenue for the residency. The list of
expectations for the artist is brief – a welcome event at the
start, an open day halfway through, and a formal tree planting
at the end to commemorate their time on farm.
Laura says it was intriguing to watch Andrew and Richard
bond over both similarities and stark differences in their work.
“They both had to be open minded to see how the other
one thought, so the discussions became, I guess, quite
philosophical, or academic. As a result, that’s part of the
identity of our on-farm arts residency when we’re interviewing
for new artists.
“I’m not an artist myself, but I’m an introvert at heart.
Given this is down a no-exit road with 270 hectares of land to
discover and explore, I want to give an artist that open space
and peace and quiet, but also an open door of warmth and
comfort, and camaraderie with us I guess.”
It’s about linking agriculture and art, and also community
and art. There’s a small studio alongside the cottage that
Rangitikei artists can use for free throughout the year, once
the cottage is back to an ordinary B&B operation. The Gullies has 40 Hereford cows, plus replacements.
“We’d like to build a track record of inspiring local artists,
strengthening an understanding of what we do on farm and The farm has 2000 stock units with a 70:30 sheep to cattle
why we do it, and having that conveyed in the art world in ratio. A third of the 1000 ewes and replacement hoggets are
dealer galleries in downtown Auckland or Wellington; seeing recorded Wiltshires and the balance is a Wiltshire-Texel-Poll
that kind of subject matter come through again, we’ve seen Dorset-cross composite. Richard grew up with his parents’
it with Toss Woollaston, Colin McCahon, Peter McIntyre, who Hereford stud and Herefords are still his first choice, with about
loved painting the Rangitikei River’s papa cliffs. Down the 70 mixed age cows and heifers, plus younger replacements.
track, we’d like to be able to support emerging artists through “As a beef herd, they’re not too big for our vulnerable hill
the residency, as well as established artists.” country and they look after themselves, easy calving. We’re on
Richard says it has also been good to diversify the farming the doorstep of so many dairy farms so it was a logical choice
business. to have a small herd of recorded, low birth weight, short
“Who knows what opportunities we might develop from it gestation Herefords. We sell about 20 to 30 bulls privately a
down the track.” year, depending on the season.
The farm has 110 hectares of hills and 70ha of good flats. “A yearling bull sale is a good way to leave the winter
There’s a swamp in the middle being restored to a functioning behind and get your first paycheque for the season, and
wetland; the rest is gorge and bush country, hence, The Gullies. that coattails into rams in November, and that coattails
“The first gully is about 80m deep, the second is 90m and into lambs and cull ewes. Add a little bit of Air B&B and
the third is 120m. You basically look across the tops,” Richard the artist’s residency in summer-autumn, that’s part of that
says, sweeping his arm across to point to the far boundary on diversification and protection of cash flow.”
the skyline.