Page 65 - NZ Hereford Magazine 2023
P. 65

Te Taumata Romney rams are sold throughout New Zealand, including the Chatham Islands. Te Taumata Border Leicesters offer
           maternal and terminal crossbreeding options. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred ewes make top mothers; their crossbred lambs
           fatten quickly and achieve heavy, high-yielding carcass weights.

           genetics with an efficient cow size for more than 20 years. We
           want cattle that grow quickly, but don’t get too big.”
            Alistair says they try to source breeders with their own repeat
           clientele. “Those who are doing the same thing we are and
           have clients who respect what they’re doing, that’s the most
           important thing. It doesn’t matter what country they’re in.”

           The Hereford family

           Eileen says it’s important to be part of NZ Herefords – she was
           elected to the NZ Hereford Council in 2021.
            “You become part of a much wider, worldwide Hereford family.”
            The couple have both travelled and worked overseas. Alistair   One of Te Taumata’s 120 cows with her calf.
           worked with Herefords in Roma, Queensland, when he left
           school, and had numerous trips to America after he met
           Eileen, who was doing an Animal Science degree at Oregon
           State University (her home state).
            “In my last year, I did a work experience internship; I
           wanted to go overseas to experience grass-based farming. My
           family have Simmentals, so I used those contacts to create
           jobs and get some experience. I spent the better part of nine
           months in New Zealand. I met Alistair at the Masterton A&P
           Show when I was working for a Hawke’s Bay breeder and it all
           went from there.”
            In the meantime, Eileen went on to travel in Australia, then
           home to finish university. But marriage and immigration were
           on the horizon.
            Two decades and four children later, Eileen still has an
           American twang, and while Covid stopped her visiting the US
           in June 2020, she loved having her parents visit in December.   Time for a photo on the farm: the McWilliam siblings, from left
           They’re based in Montana now, with a Simmental stud in   Ella, Robert, Kayla and Jessica.
           partnership with Eileen’s brother, Alan.
            Eldest daughter, Ella (18), is already making a name for   trainer in the Wairarapa and second in the country for GFF’s
           herself in beef circles – she was NZ Hereford Youth’s champion   academic results in 2022.
           judge and Future Beef’s Champion Handler and showed the   Her younger siblings are Kayla (16), Jessica (13) and Robert
           Champion led steer in 2022 (see page 114 for Ella's story).   (10). Time will tell what their paths will be.
           She is working on a sheep breeding property in Bideford,   “The kids all help on the farm,” Eileen says. “They see what we
           Wairarapa, through the Growing Future Farmers (GFF)   do and how we work, and I think they appreciate that and want
           training programme, where she was named top-equal dog   to be involved, because it is very much a family operation.”

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