Page 32 - NZ Hereford Magazine 2023
P. 32

Brothers on a mission

        Words and photos: Rob Tipa

                 he Hellier brothers are two young farmers on a
                 mission to scale up stock numbers quickly on their
                 new farm between Waipahi and Pukerau.
                  They have turned to Waikaka Genetics to source
        Tbreeding bulls and rams to help them reach their
        targets faster.
          Justin and Logan farm in partnership with their mother
        Doreen on a 400ha property at Arthurton. The farm literally
        straddles the border between Otago and Southland, with
        panoramic views over the rolling hills of South and West Otago
        and into Eastern Southland.                          Doreen Hellier and her sons Logan, left, and Justin, source both
          The brothers started farming together on their family’s   Hereford bulls and Romdale rams from Waikaka Genetics.
        152ha property at Waikoikoi in nearby West Otago, which was
        sold to their older brother in 2019. Both were working full-time
        off-farm “so we farmed at night,” Logan says jokingly. Justin
        was working on a big farm at Clinton and Logan was driving
        trucks and doing an engineering apprenticeship.
          “We both wanted to go farming and needed something big
        enough for us to come home,” Justin explains. “We have been
        lucky to have an opportunity to buy a property of this size,
        then have another opportunity to buy a neighbouring bare-
        land block. It’s not very often neighbouring land comes on
        the market.”
          The additional block is 160ha and has been grazing dairy
        cattle, a practice they will continue while they build up their   A  mob of mixed-age cows and calves on the move on the
        own stock numbers.                                   Hellier family’s sheep and beef farm at Arthurton.
          When the brothers took over the family farm at Waikoikoi
        from their father, they switched from Romneys to Romdale –   Every year since they have bought a Waikaka Genetics-
        the attraction being easy-care sheep that didn’t need constant   bred bull, saying they offered an excellent range of different
        attention when they were both working off-farm.      bloodlines to choose from. Within the past five years, they are
          When they started buying their Romdale rams from   starting to see a similar consistency and evenness coming
        Waikaka Genetics in 2017 and got to know Laurie Paterson, the   through in the breeding of their own replacements.
        conversation moved on to the Herefords Laurie was breeding.  “We’re looking for good birth weights too. We’re on easy to
          “We went to one of their bull sales and we were impressed   rolling hill country and we are able to monitor them easier now
        with what we saw,” Justin says. Laurie’s bulls were ideal for   that we are more on-farm, farming. If we can get a good solid calf
        the direction they wanted to develop their own Hereford   on the ground, we are off to a good start to meeting our targets.”
        breeding herd.                                        The breeding cows have scanned 100% two years in a row

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