Page 35 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 35
Mark and Paul Paton are the third generation of their family to run Herefords or Hereford-cross cattle on the Dolphins, a 3000ha run
property on the Pigroot in East Otago.
On the other side of the genetic mix, for many years
the Patons have sourced Angus bulls from Neil and Rose
Sanderson’s Fossil Creek Angus stud in North Otago.
For the past 40 years or so the Patons have sold their calves
through the Palmerston calf sales. However, the 2020 Covid-19
lockdown forced the cancellation of those sales and they had
to hold on to calves four months longer than usual.
“We normally wean them in March,” Paul says. “We started
looking for buyers and ended up holding on to calves and
didn’t wean them until the end of July. There was snow on the
ground when we were weaning.”
As a result of that disruption, the family has negotiated the
ongoing sale of most of their calves to a family friend who
has a beef fattening operation in South Canterbury. They
usually retain up to 100 heifers each year, depending on the
season, calve between 45 and 60 heifers, and the rest of the The Patons have moved to a Hereford/Angus-cross breeding herd
calves now go north to Temuka. The buyer used to rear a to make the most of the gains from hybrid vigour.
large proportion of bull beef but has changed his operation
and likes the family’s cattle because they are quieter and not She is particularly pleased with their first Hereford yearling
as damaging on pastures. bull they bought from Mahuta Herefords in 2018.
“He loves their genetics, loves the cattle, likes their nature “He’s leaving lovely calves and they’re doing well. He’s nice
and likes their growth,” Paul says. to handle; we’ve had three heifer matings off him and we don’t
The arrangement works well for both parties because the have to pull his calves.”
Patons save 7 to 8% of their gross returns on saleyard fees and As for the future, the Patons are thinking about running
transport, the buyer knows exactly what he’s getting each year, more cattle than they do now, simply because they are less
and has the convenience of collecting a big proportion of what work than sheep. They are an easier release valve during a
he wants from one property without a lot of extra paperwork. drought, and with recent pasture development will be needed
Calves can be loaded on a truck on the Pigroot by 9am and to mop up extra feed.
grazing in the buyer’s paddock in South Canterbury by 3pm While sheep markets have been exceptional lately, they don’t
in a simple transfer with a lot less stress on stock. believe in building herd or flock numbers when markets are
From experience, the Patons believe Herefords have the best strong. Conversely, they prefer to get rid of poor performers
temperament, and are quieter to handle and easier to move. by culling harder when prices are high because markets are
“I think Herefords do better on the high country than cyclical, and prices will drop.
the straight blacks,” Allison says. “My husband David always “Everything goes in cycles and for us we’re getting older
thought they were good fossickers and that’s what they are in our cycle of life so we’re trying to find ways to do things a
bred for. little easier,” Paul says. “If you can make things a little easier
“We find a three-quarter Hereford over Angus or Angus over for yourself, that’s a good thing.”
Hereford is good either way, depending on whether you’ve got
a good bull.”