Page 141 - Hereford Magazine 2022
P. 141
3. Who are you talking to? 4. Connect with your community
Like any effective marketing, you need to keep your target It’s easy to forget social media platforms are just massive
audience top of mind when creating social media content. online meeting spaces for people to come together. When
It can help to imagine you’re talking to just one person. Ask you share content, you’re sharing it with real people. If they
yourself, would that person find this interesting, informative or comment on your post, make sure to respond just like you
entertaining? Would they stop scrolling long enough to read my would if they made a comment to you in real life.
message, watch my video or click on my photo? Ask questions. Invite your online community to share
their thoughts. Remember that connecting with people and
having conversations online is really no different from doing
so in person.
Example of asking questions to drive engagement. You can also
share content from the online versions of these publications!
Example of using entertainment your target audience will
connect with. This one had more than 22,000 views. It can be tempting to stick with posting photos and videos of
your cattle, but at the heart of any business are the people. Don’t
The goal every time you share content is to have people forget to show your own face and the faces of those around you
engage with it; that simply means taking an action like clicking in your social media content. Introduce yourself and your team
to watch your video, making a comment, liking, or even sharing one at a time, celebrate milestones and birthdays, and show
your post with their own followers. appreciation for the people who support you and your stud.
When someone engages with your post, that tells the social People connect with people so scroll back through your most
media platform that it is relevant to that person and others like recent posts and check how many (human) faces you can see.
them, therefore they will see more of your posts in their feed. Of course, just before your annual bull sale is the perfect time
Gone are the days where everyone who follows you sees all of to show cattle. You want to show the animals in their best light,
your posts! They now only see what the platform deems to be but add local landscape, views of your farm and your family/
most relevant. Because of this, you will notice that your posts helpers/staff in some of the shots too.
with the most engagement also reach the most people.
Consistency is also important. By posting consistently, the 5. Consider paid social media
platform continues to learn who your content is relevant to, but advertising
when you take a big break, your content can move down the
‘relevancy scale’. This means you need to post regularly all year Paid social media advertising can be highly effective if
long, not just once a year at sale time! Aim to post at least once a approached in the right way.
week, or two to three times if you can manage it. The huge amounts of information social media platforms
R Ready to feeleady to feel Le Let Jodine help you maket Jodine help you make
sense of social media sose of social media so
confident withnfident with
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you can confidently andu can confidently and
yo co consistently build buzznsistently build buzz
your socialur social
around your stud online.und your stud online.
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