Page 53 - Hereford Magazine 2021
P. 53

Photo: By Nicole Troost.                            Photo: By Maria Robbie – Otapawa Station.

           4.  MAINTENANCE                                     cow should also be a consideration. Keeping an eye on the
           In addition to getting pregnant, giving birth to a live calf,   pedigree of the cow, and the bull she is being mated to, allows
           weaning the calf, and getting back in calf, a maternal cow   breeders to manage inbreeding in the herd at an acceptable
           should perform all of these tasks without                         level. Similarly, breeders may be interested
           consuming excessive amounts of feed. Given   A maternal           in the genetic condition status of the female
           feed costs are among some of the most                             as this will allow them to avoid carrier to
           expensive costs on a farm, the weight of a   female in a          carrier mating, although this becomes
           mature cow will have a major influence on   New Zealand           less important when the bulls being used
           net profitability. This is because, in general,   Hereford herd   in the herd have been tested free for the
           lighter cows will tend to eat less, thus having   should get in   relevant genetic conditions. In the same
           lower feed requirements and being less                            way, Hereford producers breeding for polled
           expensive to maintain. Conversely, given   calf, give birth       animals may wish to know the horn/poll
           live weight is the major determinant in the   unassisted to a     status of the females to avoid producing
           value of cull cows, heavier cows may provide   live calf, raise   horned calves (unless using a homozygous
           higher returns when selling cull cows. It is   that calf to       polled bull). This is less of a consideration
           important to achieve an appropriate balance                       for those wishing to breed only horned
           between feed requirements over the lifetime   weaning, and        calves – given horns are recessive, simply
           of the cow and her value as a cull animal.  then get back in      select bulls and females with visible horns.
            The mature cow weight EBV describes   calf, all the while
           the genetic differences between cows in live   maintaining        CONCLUSION
           weight at five years of age, and is expressed                     A maternal female in a herd should get in
           in kilograms. A higher, more positive   herself.                  calf, give birth unassisted to a live calf, raise
           mature cow weight EBV indicates an animal                         that calf to weaning, and then get back in calf,
           that would produce progeny with a higher mature weight   all the while maintaining herself without needing to consume
           than an animal with a lower mature cow weight EBV. While it   excessive amounts of feed.
           is important for Hereford breeders to optimise the balance   Breedplan produces a number of EBVs that are important
           between feed requirement and cull value, in general the ideal   when considering a maternal female; namely days to calving,
           maternal female should have a low to moderate mature cow   scrotal size, gestation length, calving ease direct, calving
           weight EBV, as this will reduce her feed requirements over   ease daughters, birth weight, milk, and mature cow weight.
           her lifetime.                                       Ideally, a maternal female will have shorter days to calving
                                                               and gestation length EBVs than average (more negative
           5.  OTHER TRAITS                                    EBVs are more desirable), while having larger scrotal size,
           In addition to the Breedplan traits discussed above, it is   calving ease direct and calving ease daughters EBVs (more
           important to remember there are other important traits for   positive EBVs are more desirable). She should also have a
           a good maternal cow in the herd. She must still have good   moderate birth weight (lower or moderate EBVs are more
           structural soundness; after all, she spends much of her life   desirable), and a moderate mature cow weight (lower or
           moving around the paddock feeding, and needs good foot   moderate EBVs are more desirable). The optimal milk EBV
           and leg structure to allow her to move about with ease. A cow   will depend on the environment, where Hereford breeders
           with good structural soundness may last longer in the herd,   in good country may prefer more positive milk EBVs, while
           potentially improving her longevity. In a similar manner, a   Hereford breeders on more marginal country may prefer
           maternal cow should be in good general health.      more moderate milk EBVs.
            While not strictly related to her maternal ability, the horn/
           poll status, genetic condition status, and pedigree of the

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