Page 5 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 5

The Hereford Year

               From the president                                                          Greetings to everyone for 2020

               As I look back at the achievements of the past 12 months I am   These events, along with other activities, are only possible
               excited by what is ahead for our members. The Hereford breed is   with the support from our loyal sponsors. Their support also
               in a good position. Bull prices have been at a high level for some   helps with the association’s bottom line; without them your costs
               time, and there is strong demand for local and live export heifers.   would increase, so please continue to support them in any way
               Once again the spring and autumn sales had great results across   you can. Our special thanks go to premier association sponsors
               all regions of the country, which you can read about on page 74.  which include Boehringer Ingelheim, PGG Wrightson Livestock,
                  SNP technology has been available to NZHA breeders for   Datamars,  AonAgri, and  in addition, the  following companies
               more than two and a half years. As the page 114 article from   have kindly supported the World Hereford Conference for which
               Southern Beef Technology Services (SBTS) confirms, it has   we are extremely grateful: Neogen Australasia, Allflex, Gallagher,
               been heartening to see how well members have transitioned   Rabobank. Other companies, along with many studs, are also
               from  microsatellite  DNA  testing  to  50k  SNP.  Members  have   supporting the WHC by providing financial support,  services or
               understood the opportunities a genomic blueprint provides   animals for the show. Your support is appreciated by all members.
               them in assisting with animal selection and marketing options.   Last but not least, I would like to mention the progressive
               We now receive sale catalogues showing full parentage and   work we have seen this year from Performance Beef Breeders
               horn/polled status with increased accuracy percentage across   (PBB). There has been some great work from the entire team
               measured traits.                                 at PBB, providing excellent support to all our members. We
                  Times are changing fast; social media has taken hold of our   were delighted to hear the news renowned genetic scientist,
               lives and news is old by the time the newspaper arrives. This   Dorian Garrick, has joined the PBB board as an independent
               changing pattern also affects how we buy and sell stock. You   director alongside the appointed breed representatives.
               don’t have to attend the saleyards any more as most livestock   Dorian’s appointment will benefit all member breed societies.
               companies now have an online option. These changes for some   An additional benefit to breeders will be the introduction of
               are challenges, and have over time also affected our National   an on-farm management software tool and mobile app called
               Hereford Sale. They are not the only impact, but they do also play   Stockbook, which will enable multiple users to enter and see real
               a part. With all this in mind, 2020 will see us try a new progressive   time information.
               format for our National Seed Stock Sale. The format will be a   Over the next six months we will have plenty of opportunities
               selection of bulls also catalogued within the first six lots of the   to get together and enjoy this wonderful breed we love so much,
               vendor’s own on-farm sale, plus a group of selected bulls put   with the 2020 Boehringer Ingelheim World Hereford Conference
               forward from studs that display superior genetic profiles. We are   and our National Seed Stock Sale. I hope you take the opportunity
               excited about the opportunity this new format may provide.  to be part of one or both of these events.
                  Regardless of the size of your herd, the Boehringer Ingelheim   Talk soon.
               World Hereford Conference this year will give you the best
               prospect of meeting and networking with breeders from all
               around the world. In this magazine you can read a synopsis of
               the studs opening their gates to host our guests on the tours.
               You can also follow the WHC 2020 Facebook page before and
               during the conference. Good luck to the NZHA Young Breeder   COLIN CORNEY
               team who, along with eight other teams, will compete over six   President
               days  in  the  2020  Young Breeder  competition.  This  will  cover   NZ Herefords
               a  number  of  modules  from  stock judging  through  to  public
               speaking, and ends with two days of stock handling and showing
               at the renowned Wanaka Show.

               NZ HEREFORDS                                     HEREFORD PRIME NZ 
               PRESIDENT    Colin Corney  CHAIRMAN   Laurie Paterson ......................
               VICE PRESIDENT   Gray Pannett  VICE CHAIRMAN   Geof Brown .........................
               TREASURER    Gray Pannett  TREASURER   Colin Corney
               GENERAL MANAGER  Posy Moody ..........................  BRAND MANAGER   Natalie Campbell ..................

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