Page 43 - 2020 NZ Hereford Magazine
P. 43


          Buying five yearling bulls each year is a huge expense and it   “Years ago my father used Hereford bulls in the 1990s but
          really pays to put time into selection to get the right bulls.  we had more calving problems back then. Since we have gone
            “We don’t just pick on the numbers (EBVs), it’s a lot about   to the Ezicalve sires we’ve not had any problems; I mean you
          getting the right bulls with narrow shoulders and smaller heads.  always get the odd calf presenting with a leg or head going the
            “We have a good look at the bulls – eye them up before the   wrong way, but apart from that the calves come out no worries.
          sale and choose the best shapes and then we work through   “We do check the heifers three to four times each day,
          their figures and look at their graphs.”              including morning and evening, and they haven’t had any more
            The graphs are really helpful, showing at a glance how the   troubles than when we were using the little Jersey bulls.
          bull ranks for the traits that he is focusing on, James says.  “Using these Hereford bulls is the best way to generate beef
            “Low birth weight is the main one for us; we are also looking   stock for our beef operation and to lift our income to make
          at growth rate but mainly we don’t want any calving difficulties.  more profit.”

                                                                THE DAIRY BEEF YEARLINGS ARE SOLD
                                                                ACROSS MANAWATU AND HAWKE’S BAY;
                                                                WITH THEIR WHITE FACES THEY ARE
                                                                REALLY EASY TO MARKET AND HIGHLY

                                                                SOUGHT AFTER.

                                                                LEFT: The yearlings are sold through the Feilding sales at
                                                                300kg live weight.

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