Page 89 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2019 Edition
P. 89

Our Breeders

          Century and a half for

          Herefords in New Zealand


          IT IS 150 YEARS since the first importation of a pedigree Hereford   In the New Zealand Studmasters Annual Review on the
          into New Zealand. The bull, Duke of Edinburgh, was bred in   100th anniversary of the first Hereford import, an article was
          England by Queen Victoria and imported by R & E McLean of   written discussing the “likely developments of the future”. The
          Auckland in 1869. Other pedigree Hereford cattle followed in   author was certainly accurate with his opening statement: “the
          small numbers during the next 20 years and then increased   only thing certain about future is change”. But how accurate
          steadily until Herefords were popular and well established by   were his predictions? We take a closer look at two of them.
          the turn of the century.

                                                                  The first bullet point receives an 8/10 rating from one of
                                                                our New Zealand Hereford Association councillors. This has
                                                                certainly been the case with NZHA leading technological change
              •  The role and function of the breed             and administering the process for breeders. The last sentence
                associations will change from almost            is still very much an aim of today’s council. Back then, how
                exclusively that of keeping the                 could they have imagined another role of the association would
                Herdbook to one of ensuring that                be to promote the breed via social media and that the majority
                technological advances are being taken          of communication with breeders is electronic rather than written
                up by all members of the association.           letters, telephone calls and visits to studs and shows?
                This will be a leadership task with
                clearly  defined  goals  and  a  complete         The  second  bullet  point  also  received  8/10.  The  need  for
                understanding of requirements of the            cooperation between all parties is exceptionally true and
                breeding industry and export markets            could still be improved upon, especially the link between stud
                for beef.
                                                                breeders, beef producers and consumers, although we expect
                                                                in  another  50  years  there  will  be  a  considerable  shift  in  this
              •  Co-operation between all parties               department, with consumers dictating the requirements more
                concerned with beef production — stud           than ever.
                breeders, commercial herd owners,
                meat trade, research and University
                personnel will become much more                 BELOW: Two Te Rangitumau two-year-old heifers, Leonora 22nd
                                                                (left) and Amethyst 181st (right), who was a descendant of the
                vital in the years ahead and will be            original imports. Taken August 1901.
                encourage and welcomed by all for the
                future wellbeing of the nation.

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