Page 92 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 92

that of the mob. Breeders are then able to add these results
       to their existing records in HerdMASTER to enable continuous
       tracking of each animal.
          The ability to securely share animal information online is
       something for breeders to consider within their own operations.
       MiHub Livestock Management is free to users of Tru-Test
       weigh scales and, for a small fee, to users of other brands of
       weighing equipment.
          NZHA and Tru-Test invite everyone to attend the North Island
       grazing unit on May 14 at 2183 Kimbolton  Road, Banklea,
       Kiwitea at 10am, to view the Hereford sires for sale.
          During the Hereford lunch there will be an opportunity to
       discuss with vendors and Tru-Test the new process of weighing
       and tracking adopted this year, and to view the equipment.
       By engaging with new technology NZHA continues to offer
       the very best performance recorded sires for sale at the PGG
       Wrightson Livestock National Video Sale on May 14 at 4pm at
       the Palmerston North Convention Centre.

          The PGG Wrightson Livestock National Video Sale has
       replaced Beef Expo.
          While Beef Expo was an exceptional event for 28 years,
       increased associated costs and health and safety requirements   ABOVE: Unloading the bulls at Banklea Romney Stud, Kiwitea.
       meant that several of the breeds felt it was time for a change.   BELOW: William Brown using Tru-Test’s wand linked to the new
          Last year, due to unforeseen circumstances, Herefords sold   MiHub Livestock Management cloud software.
       nearly half the sires by video at Manfeild Stadium, which sowed
       the seed to host the National Bull Sales by video in 2018.
          Angus, Shorthorn and Hereford have organised professional
       videoing of the sires prior to the sale and have programmed
       plenty of time for viewing all the Hereford sires at the North
       Island grazing unit before the sale.
          On sale day both Angus and Hereford grazing units are
       closing at 2.30pm to enable purchasers to be at the Palmerston
       North Convention Centre in time for the Boehringer Ingelheim
       happy hour and 4pm sale start. The sale will be followed by a
       complimentary Allflex steak sandwich and an opportunity for
       interbreed banter and farming chat.

       NZHA Breeders wanting to track their animals to meet weight
       goals or understand how today’s weighing and tracking
       technology can maximise their animal management performance
       are  encouraged  to  contact  their  local  Tru-Test  weighing
       specialist – details can be found on the Tru-Test website:

       TRUE-BLUE ‘H’ TAG                   commercial. NZHA is working with their

       All Hereford sires to be sold at this year’s   identification sponsor, Allflex, to provide
       PGG Wrightson Livestock National Video   all Herefords entered in the National Sale
       Sale will be tagged with Allflex True    with Allflex H tags, to further build brand
       Blue Hereford Tags, clearly distinguishing   awareness around the H tag.
       them as registered performance recorded   If a sire has an H tag, it will have the
       Hereford sires.                     figures  to  match,  further  guaranteeing
          The True Blue H tags were introduced   the sale.  The purchaser of any sire with
       in 2015 to differentiate registered   True Blue H tags can be assured they are
       (performance recorded) Herefords from   buying the genuine article.
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