Page 39 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 39

season means they have been multi-sire mating, so parent   The calves are treated with a 10 in 1, BVD and leptospirosis
          verification by DNA testing will be implemented.      vaccination at weaning time.
            Matariki genetics are having a big influence currently   This year they asked Bill and Judy Austin to scan their
          and Grassmere and Okawa sires have also had a role in the   replacement heifers, which alongside the DNA testing will help
          development of the herd.                              build up more data for the herd and provide more information
            Jacqueline says they sourced some semen straws of   for selecting herd replacements.
          Matariki Holy Smoke last year. Twenty-nine straws were used   They scanned for EMA and IMF so they can build a picture
          and 20 held, so she is excited about those calves on the ground   in relation to the retail beef yield EBV.
          now. Matariki D493 has also been used in the past.      Replacement heifers are selected for a clean head, white
            Due to soil type, which ranges from peat swamp to volcanic   shoulder, good markings, structural soundness, good feet and
          ash, which is nice and fertile but needs respecting, the heavier   a moderate EBV package.
          cattle are moved off the hills in winter to minimise damage.  The selection process for herd replacements is a balancing
            “Before winter we bring the heavier stock down onto the   act around the aesthetics of the animal, structural soundness
          flats and winter them on the easy country,” Robin says.  and a moderate EBV package.
            The cows are break fed and calved behind a wire on    Moderate birth weights, growth rates, good milk figures, and
          conserved pasture.                                    fertility are all part of the EBV package Jacqueline is targeting in
            All calves are weighed at birth using a small crate and   a moderate-sized female herd, and if a female fails to conceive,
          adjusted sheep weigh bar, and Jacqueline says the quiet nature   there are no second chances.
          of the breed means she feels safe while undertaking this job.  There are similar criteria for bull selection for use in the
            Jacqueline says they pride themselves on the temperament   Hereford herd, focusing on calving ease and a moderate birth
          of their herd, which they feel is another vital characteristic for   weight EBV. They also must look the part.
          their dairy clients.                                    “We need to think about the calving experience for our
            The  cows  and  calves  are  shed  out  onto  more  conserved   clients; will it be easy calving and have good growth rates?”
          pasture before they go back on to the hills once the calves are   Jacqueline says.
          a couple of weeks old, and there the cows and calves rotate the   The needs of their clients are at the forefront of the
          hill country and are fed hay as needed.               Blackwells’ minds and to help them do this, they also breed
            Animal health inputs are kept to a minimum in the mixed   Angus and Murray Grey bulls and buy in weaner Jersey bulls,
          age cows, which are treated with a Genesis Ultra once a year.   which they grow out and offer at their annual on farm sale.

          ON FARM AUCTION                                       of origin in the sale catalogue.

          At the annual on farm Mangaotea bull sale in September, the   Their first on-farm sale was 22 years ago, and they offered
          Blackwells offer  180  bulls. A  third  are  Jersey  bulls  and  the   50 bulls, of nearly all Jersey genetics with a handful of Hereford
          remainder made up of Hereford, Murray Grey and Angus bulls.   and Angus, but they found it harder and harder to source good
          The Jersey bulls are purebred and sourced directly from three   Hereford bulls to offer. It was also at this time that Jacqueline
          farmers, which allows the Blackwells to confidently share the   was looking for an investment and Herefords appealed to her
          traceability story of all the cattle they put up.     for their temperament and their red factor.
            They say the homebred and self-sourced bulls command a   “We are aware of what we sell, and it has to be quality, not
          premium, which their clients also benefit from when they have   just numbers,” she says.
          finished using the bulls – either via the works or by on-selling   Jacqueline bought her first cows in 2002 and had her first
          them back into the market, and from selling the dairy beef   calves on the ground in 2004, and has steadily built numbers
          calves and weaners from these bulls.                  up. In 2006 Robin purchased his first Angus cows.
            “We started that a couple of years ago and the transparency
          is vital.”                                            LEFT TO RIGHT: Traceability is something the Blackwells offer
            The Jersey bulls are sourced from both purebred performance   their bull buying clients in all facets of their business; The cows in
          recorded and registered herds, and the couple specify the farm   Jacqueline Blackwell’s Hereford herd are growing out top calves.

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