Page 23 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
P. 23

On Farm

          In-calf heifers

          top Feilding sale

          WORDS REBECCA HARPER                                  There was strong interest in the Hurley family’s 164 in-calf heifers,
          PHOTOGRAPHS NZHA                                      sold at the Feilding sale in May.

          SIBERIA STATION’S IN-CALF HEREFORD heifers caused a stir   them the flash stuff, just feed them at the right times of year, like
          at the Feilding sale, with the top lot fetching a staggering $2840   when the bull goes out, and they just do.”
          per head.                                               The Siberia team were all on hand to witness the sale and
            The Siberia heifers have obviously gained a following, with   Hurley says it is satisfying to get such a good result.
          many buyers there specifically to have a crack at the well-  “It’s a trade straight off the hill, off the station and it’s satisfying
          presented line of Herefords.                          when it works, when you get rewarded for what you do. I enjoy
            Vendor James Hurley, of Siberia Station, Hunterville, said it   doing it because they are great to deal with, awesome animals,
          was an outstanding sale and rewarding to have capital stock   and they get in calf – we only have a 3.5 to 4% dry rate.”
          sought after and achieving such strong prices.          Heading into the sale he didn’t know what to expect, although
            The Hurleys sold 164 rising three-year-old Hereford heifers at   the beef market is extremely buoyant at the moment. “I thought
          the sale in May 2017, with the top lot of 26 heifers making $2840/  we might get a couple of thousand for the top ones but it (the
          head ($5.26/kg) and all 164 animals going for more than $2000.  sale) just took off. With the shortage of quality capital stock
            This was the sixth year they had sold in-calf heifers at this   around the country the weaner market is strong, the beef market
          particular sale and they have clearly gained a good reputation.  is strong, and everyone has confidence in beef – everything just
            The cattle are sourced as yearlings each year from Richard   came together on the day and it was really rewarding.”
          and Abby Hore at Beaumont Station in Roxburgh, who run   One buyer, Ohakune’s Ken Sue, has purchased the Hurley
          one of the largest commercial herds of Hereford cattle in New   heifers for a number of years and bought again at this year’s sale.
          Zealand. The cattle are mated to an Angus bull before being   He has a herd of 1000 Hereford breeding cattle and says
          sold at the sale, held in May.                        there is good demand for a white-face calf. “We put a black bull
            They fit well with the system at Siberia, Hurley says, which   over them to get the white-face; people seem to want them.”
          means they have 360 animals on during summer before half   He does not breed his own replacements so it fits his system
          (180) are kicked out before winter. This matches the feed curve   well to buy in-calf heifers, which are not easily sourced if you
          at the property.                                      want quality cattle. “We have bought them (Hurley heifers) for
            The country at Siberia could best be described as steep hill   three or four years now, they are a good line – good cattle. The
          country and the cattle must be able to thrive in a tough environment.  breed is good and people want the white heads.”
            “We’ve never really had cows up here because of the   The Sues have farmed Herefords for 40-odd years and the
          steepness of the country. We’re in a beef finishing programme   breed has done well for them. The Herefords milk well and the
          and grow them out up here and we were looking for something   progeny demand a premium at the works.
          different,” he says.                                    Hurley says the Beaumont stock come from good genetics
            That’s where the heifers come in.                   and he values the relationship they have built with the Hores,
            “You don’t know until you get them, but now they are tried   enabling him to reliably source the cattle every year. “To get a
          and true – they just go.                              line that big and of that quality, I don’t think we would get that
            “They are great foragers, they climb all over our very steep   anywhere else.”
          hills and their temperament is second to none. They are so   Not surprisingly, he has no plans to change his winning
          quiet, great to handle and be around. You don’t have to feed   formula.
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