Page 141 - NZ Herefords Magazine 2018
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polled and horned Herefords. One of the most stand-out things was that Hereford really needs to lift its IMF levels if it wants to be
for me in their cattle was how amazing the udders of the cows able to compete, as Angus is about to gain another marble score.
were; they were as close to perfect as I had seen. After the feedlot it was a quick overnight trip out to the Hollis’s
Next up was a trip to Bill Key’s little slice of paradise with 100 place, then on to the Hereford office and time to head back home.
acres and 36 stud cows. While here I got to be a bit of a tourist, I would like to thank everyone who hosted me on this trip,
have a look around and try the best fish and chips in Australia. it was truly amazing. I learned a lot and have made friends
Next I was off to Jindalee Herefords, run by the Vivers. This is a and contacts for life. Also a big thank you to both NZHA and
4000-acre farm of flat to rolling country running 800 head of cattle, Herefords Australia for making this possible.
with 160 of these being studs; their cattle are mainly horned cattle.
As well as running a beef operation they also have two Many thanks,
sapphire mines on the farm, which were pretty amazing to see. MARK MURPHY, LONGACRE HEREFORDS.
I even had a scratch around and found several little ones.
Next was a trip to Whyalla beef feedlot – now this was
an eye-opening visit – seeing pens as far as the eye could OPPOSITE PAGE: Mark Murphy was the recipient of the 2017 NZ
Hereford Association Trans-Tasman ambassadorship.
see. They had 55,000 head of cattle there when I visited and
finish up to 150,000 head per year. It was pleasing to see the THIS PAGE, CLOCKWISE TOP LEFT: A line-up of great bulls
amazingly high standard of the pens and the cattle, with ample at Wodonga sale; Mark Murphy at Wodonga sale and show;
space, water and lots of shade. There was over 82km of internal Overview of the Whyalla feedlot; The evening feed at Mawarra
Herefords while waiting for some much needed rain; Feed time for
roading; it was highly impressive. young cattle at Days Whiteface; Cows and calves at Bill Key’s little
The take-home message from the day after a group meeting slice of paradise.