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Rebecca Patterson | NZ Youth Event
NZ Hereford Youth Leadership Forum
The first NZ Hereford Youth Leadership Forum was held What is the role of the NZ Herefords Assn in 5 years’ time?
in Feilding on the 9th of May. 13 Hereford Breeders and The group discussed that it would be as relevant if not
Future Leaders got together to learn about leadership more than it is now. Focusing on international markets
through, DISC profiles and a Leadership Seminar with – exports and genetics. Marketing to focus on superior
Andrew Freeman, a farm tour with Ian and Steph Strahan product and increased sustainability!
and a visit to NZ Herefords' Council board meeting.
What will keep youth engaged in breed societies?
The day started with Andrew Freeman discussing DISC National Sale and Shows and being part of a group were
personality profiles and how different personality’s affect important for youth - gaining/sharing knowledge, creating a
how we interact with others and individual leadership network and personal development. Link youth events with
styles. It was a great way to gain some self-awareness, others to make worthwhile and mix age/experience, create
develop interpersonal skills and gain an understanding of a mentoring system to encourage knowledge transfer.
team dynamics and personalities.
What does sustainable look like in breed societies?
The group had a very insightful visit with Ian and Steph The group believe that sustainability is very relevant.
Strahan at Kimbolton to have a look at their property and Looking into niche markets, breeder networking and
discuss their farm business. growth to maintain the longevity of the breed. They
suggested marketing on the world stage would be vital for
During the groups visit they were asked three questions sustainability.
which they discussed and then offered insight and
feedback to the board, it was great to see the ideas they The day was completed with dinner out with the NZ
came up with and they did a great job putting their ideas Hereford Council and staff at Little Savanna, where we
forward and explaining their thoughts; were served delicious Hereford Prime.
White board brain storming using Break out group 1 - Willy Muir (councillor) with James Robbie, Peter Kane,
psychometric testing. Hamish McKercher and Joel Steele.
Philip Shepherd (councillor), Blake Crawford, Georgie Moody, Alice Kane, Gray Pannett (councillor), Eileen McWilliam
(councillor) and Will Gibson.
Hooked on Herefords NZ Herefords Newsletter. June, 2022 | 7