Page 7 - Hooked On Herefords Magazine October 2018
P. 7

Technical Update

        What DNA Service Providers are available to NZHA Breeders?

        Choosing which test best suits your farming operations, dictates   Step 2 – The Process
        which service provider to choose and thus what form your   - How do I take a sample and submit it?
        sample needs to be.                                   The answer is dependent on which service provider you choose.
        The current choices of service providers who offer verified SNP   •  Neogen only accept hair or  wet tissue sampling units
        DNA tests for NZHA genetic defects and provide a DNA profile   (TSU)s.  For more information on how to take a hair sample
        include:                                                   or wet TSU, refer to the NZHA website/genomics/how to
          •  Neogen – located in Australia – samples sent to PBB   take a sample.
          •  Genomnz – located in NZ – samples sent directly     •  Hair or wet TSUs for Neogen must be submitted with an
        For more information regarding the services the above service   electronic genotype application form to PBB – download
        providers offer, refer to the NZHA website, under the tab   from the NZHA website/genomics/service providers/
        ‘genomics’.                                                Neogen.
        To  break  down  the  SNP  DNA  process,  NZHA  and  PBB  have   •  Genomnz accept wet or dry TSUs (but NOT hair) and
        broken this into 3 Steps:                                  samples must be submitted directly to Genomnz with
                                                                   an online submission form.  Refer to the NZHA website/
        Step 1 – What Test?                                        genomics/Genomnz for more detail. (Both service
        - Which test do I want and thus which service provider do   providers accept semen).
        I choose?
        See below infographic to help you answer this question.


                        STEP 1                       STEP 2                            STEP 3

                     Sires or potential
                   Sires used for mating         150k       50k

                       Importation                50k
                       Sires/Semen                SNP

                                                                           Hair   Wet  Semen
                         Animals                  Seek      50k                  TSU     
                       for transfers               Sire     SNP

                                                 Seek       50k
                                                  Sire      SNP
                                                  SNP                      Wet  Semen  TSU

               150k SNP: research well used sire
           Key  50k SNP: genomic evaluation
               Seek Sire: parentage only
               10k SNP: no future predictions

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